
Membership is open to managerial and technical staff and others employed by companies engaged in quarrying and the related extractive and processing industries including asphalt, ready mixed and precast concrete, sand and gravel, cement, opencast coal, etc.

Progression through the grades of membership is shown in the membership form, however direct entry into any grade is possible, provided that the applicant has the necessary qualifications and experience.

Benefits Of Membership

  • Keep up to date with the latest progress in technical, and commercial and environmental developments in the industry.
  • A special discount for the Registration Fee of all courses conducted by IQM.
  • Reduced rates for events organized by IQM
  • Free monthly technical journals: Quarry Management from UK .
  • Free Quarterly IQM Newsletter.
  • All members receive a hand-scripted membership certificate and an Identity Card.
  • All members in three corporate grades have the right to use designatory letters (FIQ, MIQ) after their name. This is a form of professional recognition which can only be gained through a combination of qualifications, responsibility and practical experience.
  • Enriching experience and satisfying reward from being able to meet up informally with like-minded people at local, national or international level.
  • Free use of reference books from IQM Library.

Download Membership Form



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